In Scotland, the album reached number Combining the child-like wonderment of Wall-E with the quiet melancholy of a Pet Sounds -era Brian Wilson, Campbell sounds utterly convincing when she sings "it feels like none of this is real". More bands announced for DiS partnered Fuzz Clu Retrieved 15 June Back and newly championed by an independent heavyweight, Camera Obscura become not maudlin, but a little more mellow on their fourth album. My Maudlin Career 4AD ". Music critic Tim Sendra of AllMusic called the album "almost an exact copy of their previous album" but added "Really, the group could go on remaking it for years to negligible complaints from their fans and very few diminishing returns. camera obscura my maudlin career album

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My Maudlin Career - Wikipedia

The heart-crushingly beautiful 'James' - a tale of rejection and dying love - captures the subtle, bittersweet magic of Velvet Underground's 'Sunday Morning'. Their dance-along, big beat specialities have always been where Camera Obscura flourish, and they wrap up with the album's other stonker Honey In The Sun.

Music critic Tim Sendra of AllMusic called the album "almost ovscura exact copy of their previous album" but added "Really, the group could go on remaking it for years maudllin negligible complaints from their fans and very few diminishing returns. All songs written by Tracyanne Campbell.

Capable of renewing anyone's belief in love, 'Forest And Sands' is yet another highlight.

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Her witty interjections straight from the mouth of Juno MacGuff, help the subject matter from cloying the listener with sentiment and carry the songs along with a winsome breeze. The critical response to My Maudlin Career was generally positive. This section needs additional citations for verification.

You can add or edit information about My Maudlin Career at musicbrainz. Retrieved from " https: This page has been archived and is no longer updated. The possibilities are endless and exciting. However, she needn't have worried: Moving further away maydlin jaunty folk pop and embracing lush balladry, this collection sounds more Mazzy Star than The Concretes, doused with the expected references to the middle decades of the last century. My Maudlin CareerCD review".

Album Review: Camera Obscura - My Maudlin Career / Releases / Releases // Drowned In Sound

There are still melodies of heart-wrenching simplicity that stick in your head to an almost irritating degree beware of the obscuda catchy "James"balanced by songs with longer, more complex and limber melodic phrases. Back and newly championed by an independent heavyweight, Camera Obscura become not maudlin, but a little more mellow on their fourth album.

Quite why the overseas audience have always got Camera Obscura, while their native music fan needed 'retro pop' waved in their faces via the dubious tabloid outings of beehived and sailor-suited divas is a mystery.

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Single French Navy is 60s pop with strings, and a vocal echo that lends itself cameea well to Tracyanne Campbell's voice, sending it ethereal. It also broke into the Billboard Top in the US, peaking at number Clips taken from original discs may contain strong language.

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DiS Picks Its Best My Maudlin Career begins in a decidedly non-maudlin fashion. Campbell's stories and confessions convey such truthfulness, it's as though the listener were privy to the pages of a teenager's diary. My Maudlin Career 4AD ". Camera Obscura, My Maudlin Career ". Maudlij is no wonder that Campbell and her Camera Obscura bandmates feel so comfortable with the topic of love, or more precisely, a child-like, innocent love.

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Rather than rejecting the record for its mawkishness, its wide-eyed genuineness and gentle affection draw you in. The Glaswegian indie pop band grow more epic with their fourth long-awaited album. Retrieved 30 October The album reached number 32 on the UK Albums Chart after one week of sales. Let's Get Out of This Country Alternative Press Magazine, Inc.

Tracklistings come from MusicBrainz. If you choose to use this review on your site please link back to this page.
